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  1. My car is 2007 Mitsubishi outlander v6 3.0. I use the mmcflash to read ecu rom. I try to write the definition xml using ecuflash. I found the two question below : 1. my ecu rom can not open mod23 to use evoscan because the DoMode is 0x39, not 0x42, 0x4b, 0x4d. <!-- * Category : Mode 23 * --> <table name="Mode 23 - IFMode 0x05 -> 0x23 #1" address="7e5a5"/> <table name="Mode 23 - IFMode 0x05 -> 0x23 #2" address="89169"/> <table name="Mode 23 - DoMode 0x39 -> 0x??" address="8916e"/> 2. I can not find the mivec maps on outlander v6 3.0. So, I want to find the newly year ecu rom to test. I find the some web page having .rar on mmcflash.ru. But I don't have the permission to download files below. http://mmcflash.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=5&view=findpost&p=273 Outlender XL3.0L AT SM51260005.zip http://mmcflash.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=5&view=findpost&p=982 Outlander XL_2008_3.0_AT_SM5162_ori.bin.zip http://mmcflash.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=5&view=findpost&p=1291 Outlander.XL.3.0L.AT.SM5201.stok.zip http://mmcflash.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=5&view=findpost&p=3098 outXL3AT_SM5525_M32186F8.rar http://mmcflash.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=5&view=findpost&p=3754 OUTLANDER XL 3L AT SW-SM5524.rar http://mmcflash.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=5&view=findpost&p=7764 Outlander_XL_2010_3_0_SM5204_07_stock.rar Will someone can help me? Thanks.
  2. lamign

    MMC Flasher USB Module 3 dongle can not use

    Thank you very much. The Evoscan have responded to me.
  3. lamign

    MMC Flasher USB Module 3 dongle can not use

    I find the product USB Ключ in website. Is it MMC Flasher 0.9.0 Software? If I need to buy another MMCFlash USB module 2 later, Should I buy two products USB Ключ And 2 Модуль M32r Mitsubishi? Can I use Visa payment and ship to Taiwan? Then you can instruct me the correct way to connect. Thanks!
  4. lamign

    MMC Flasher USB Module 3 dongle can not use

    Thanks! I am very confuse the correct way to connect. Would you kindly instruct me that MMC Flasher 0.9.0 Software is in the USB dongle or I must download from otherwise? Thanks!
  5. lamign

    MMC Flasher USB Module 3 dongle can not use

    So, are you not a partnership with evoscan? And I have already send mail to evoscan. However, according to experience, he usually does not respond. Thanks.
  6. Hi! I had buy Tactrix OpenPort 2.0 USB Cable and EvoScan Software from EvoScan. I try to use ecuflash and EvoScan to tune my cars. Because I change the engine in my car. The engine is come from Japanse. I replace the ECU which come from with the engine. I use ecuflash to read the rom. But an error occurred and it locked. I find some information on the Internet. It said that use MMCFlash can guarantee read/write ecu, and it also can unlock ecu. So, I bought MMCFlash USB module 3 from EvoScan. http://www.evoscan.com/evoscan-gps-obdii-cables/details/30/1/performance-vehicle-pc-diagnostic-interfaces/mmcflash-software-for-mitsubishi-lancer-and-outlanderreflashing I also buy EvoScan 1.3U Universal USB Datalogging and Reflashing Cable too. A few days later, I received a package. I received only three things, one is Tax Invoice, the other is 1.3 cable line, the last is MMCFlash USB. That is all. Then I pluged USB module to my Notebook. The USB was connecting normal. There is no thing error want me to download driver else. But I can not find the USB drive from Explorer. Is this normal ? Should I install MMCFlash 0.9.0 Software first? However, I could not find the download address. Or if it is attached in USB module. Later, I referenced the manual from below web page: Reflashing 2006-2011 4G Eclipse Eclipse4G GT/GS/Spyder http://www.evoscan.com/technical-vehicle-manuals/164-reflash-mitsubishi-4g-eclipse-gt-gs-spyder Read ROM: step1. plug in openport 2.0 cable. step2. plug in mmcflash usb dongle step3. select "MH8104F[512K] can" (2nd option from the bottom) step4. press Read I thought it might work after I plug in the car. I follow the step1 to connect openport 2.0, then plug USB module. I thought MMCFlash Software will be executed automatically from USB module. But the computer still did not work, so I could not continue the next step. Please kindly instruct me the correct way to connect. Or is my mmcflash usb broken. My O.S. is windows 7, and I also shutdown the firewall and virus scan program too when I tried to connect it. Best Regards
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