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  1. elecautocr

    17М BMW Continental MSx

    Hello Bruce: I need to read BMW MSV80 for extract ISN number Does MMCFlashter can read&write BMW MSV80 with password protected ? Does it read the area where ISN number is ? Thanks very much
  2. elecautocr

    80M Nissan Hitachi RH850 & Bosch UDS

    Hello Bruce: Is it possible to read,write and correct checksmm in Nissan Kicks 2019 1.6L gasoline mcu R7F701205 Hitachi ECU ? Thks
  3. Hello members: Is it possible to do immo-off in Mitsubishi Montero Sport 2002 3.5L gasoline, ecu MR578176 E6T36377 mcu 8302F. I need to do ecu-test on bench. I am attaching original file. Thanks Montero Sport 2002 35L gasoline MR578176 E6T36377 mcu 8302F original.rar
  4. elecautocr


    Hello: I want to know if MMC can read/write Isuzu Dmax 2.5L Transtron ECU. Part number is 8982079150 26220863A. Processor 7058 thanks
  5. elecautocr

    Nissan Pathfinder Petrol 3.5L EEprom file

    ECU MCU is SH7055
  6. Miembros de Hola: Necesito ENCONTRAR UN archivo o archivo EEPROM EEPROM de Reparación bueno para Nissan Pathfinder 2003 de 3,5 litros de gasolina Número ecu 23710-6W560 MEC36-060 A3 4802. Te adjunto el archivo ecu s daños EEPROM. Gracias por su ayuda 93C66 Pathfinder 2003 35L AT 23710-6W560 MEC36-060 A3 4802.rar
  7. elecautocr


    Hello members: I new in the forum. I am interesting in Toyota cars. Will MMC support Toyota Cars in future ? Thanks
  8. Hello members: I am need original file for ECU MR507699 mcu MH8305F, it is Montero 3.5L A/T 2001 gasoline. Thanks very much
  9. Hello members: I need to test this ecu. Do any of you have ECU wiring diagram or pinout to connect ecu on bench ?? thanks very much
  10. Thanks Bruce
  11. Hello members: My name is Daniel Solano, I am from Costa Rica. I am new in the forum. I have a Mitsubishi Lancer 2002 1.6L engine 4G18. This car had A/T transmission, we changed to M/T transimission, but the ECU is the original (with A/T). Is it possible to reflash the original ECU (A/T) with a file from M/T ECU ?? Do any of you have file from M/T car that can be reflash into my ECU ? The mcu is MH8305F. I am attaching picture of ECU. Thanks very much
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