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Andy last won the day on 14 Февраля 2018

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  1. Andy

    10М Kia/Hundai SIM2K 140/141/241/341

    Thank you SIM2K - 241 would be similar to SIM2K -240?
  2. Andy

    10М Kia/Hundai SIM2K 140/141/241/341

    Bruce will you have a SIM2K - 241 iMMO OFF or unlock ECU? Thank you.
  3. Nissan NEC029 -xxx 2007+ QR25DE 2.5L Hitachi F72531 S25A32 Pinout TESTED!
  4. Hi B, Andy here, I got a lot of MSV80 / MSD80 / MSD81 files. Also have these ECUs. Let me know if you uneed anything. KTAG is the best on these as it reads the pass thr fastest. Have diagrams too.


    Regards, Andy

  5. Andy

    Need Access to Download

    OK, got it, thanks again!
  6. Andy

    Need Access to Download

    Does any user know how to deal with this error? Help file in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ MMC flasher 10.0. Also I renamed it to MMC7.chm.
  7. Andy

    Need Access to Download

    Thank you!
  8. Andy

    Isuzu Transtron Denso, engines: 4JJ1, 4HK1, 6HK1

    Thanks Bruce, will try and report. At the moment customer picked it up to test in the car. Andy
  9. Stanislaw do you have any plans for this ECU. I can read / write with Piasini but can not correct checksum. KTAG reads but get checksum faults and it will not save the file. Inside SH7055 / 93c86. Or mayby someone can check if checksum is OK. File attached. Thank you. Andy 275800-2812 8973750190 1 Piasini.bin
  10. Andy

    Need Access to Download

    Hello, is it possible to unlock my account to download help ??? Dongle ID: 2374 Purchased directly. Thank you!
  11. Andy

    47M Ford USA

    Mazda EEC-V 3.0L 2003-2005 [1536k] CAN. Очень хорошо работает, читает и пишет. Один вопрос к экспертам. Существует небольшая разница. Можете ли вы посмотреть на картинку и рассказать мне, что это? Я думаю, может быть, серийный номер. Я не передавал VID. Спасибо!
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