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Redchilly last won the day on 23 Октября 2021

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  1. thanks bruce looking forward for it
  2. Hi Bruce will this service have a yearly subscription in the future or is it just pay as you go service all so is the Ford sid208/209/211 added and Ford sid212 adblue ecu Thanks
  3. is module 89 no need to open and all is done by obd thanks
  4. Redchilly

    DENSO Opel

    Hello gents maybe some one can help I read a 1.7 cdti opel astra with denso ecu had a tune with dpf egr delete but now p160d code I have uploaded the file Thanks astra 1.7 2---Stage 1+Dpf+Egr
  5. today i r/w on a 2016 ford Mondeo 2.0 tdci Delphi dcm6.1 after a long time in trying to figure out how to because the ecu would go into sleep mode and i could not read but today i got info on how and would like to share all i had to do was to stall the car and it worked read write cks ok and it was very fast thanks to the guys at mmcflash
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