der Опубликовано 14 Сентября 2018 Жалоба Опубликовано 14 Сентября 2018 I bought MMC from ecutools.I picked up the package. I asked about the software by email. I received the link. Under the link provided, a web browser, but also an antivirus program, reported that there is a virus file. Malware found. I asked for a virus-free file twice. Ecutools does not respond to my emails.Where can I find the correct software without viruses?Please help.Thank you very much. RegardsMariusz Цитата
Bruce Willis Опубликовано 14 Сентября 2018 Жалоба Опубликовано 14 Сентября 2018 This not virus, use goggle to understand it. Цитата
der Опубликовано 14 Сентября 2018 Автор Жалоба Опубликовано 14 Сентября 2018 So what it really is ? Please help me to understand it. First time i meet software to read/writing ecu's with "malware".Last time, when get some from unknown website, my PC was like a frozen. Most of programs won't work. Only HD format make job. Here is a report with online test content of this file. Цитата
Bruce Willis Опубликовано 14 Сентября 2018 Жалоба Опубликовано 14 Сентября 2018 I am say you - NO VIRUS!!! If' you don't trust us - DON'T USE PROGRAM! Detection ratio: 33 / 67 33 - Find, 67 don't find virus. THIS IS NOT A VIRUS. Kaspersky, ESET-NOD32, DrWeb, Symantec, Yandex DON'T FIND VIRUS Our program contains the code that runs on the protection key. Antivirus can not understand this code, which is encrypted and on this automatically writes that the program can be dangerous, and the more idiotic antivirus write that it is a virus. If you have brains, googling this problem, almost everyone who writes programs agrees with it. Цитата
f13nd Опубликовано 14 Сентября 2018 Жалоба Опубликовано 14 Сентября 2018 Чудаку надо статью на википедии написать и линкануть о том, что такое malware-gen/riskware/generic, иначе не поверит. Check post #2 to understand Цитата
der Опубликовано 15 Сентября 2018 Автор Жалоба Опубликовано 15 Сентября 2018 Thank You for explain. For me is a new, that software with dongle key generate this info. I have a few interfaces and none working this way. Why ecutools could not write it, but it does not answer on my emails. I do not understand. Customers are not treated like this. Such a trivial matter. And what will happen when it will be more serious? It is difficult for anyone to recommend such a this seller in the future. Цитата
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