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Hello all,


Im using scanmatik original with MMC. I can read/write transtron ecu without problem.

When I try to read FORD DCU101 I got this error:

[08:50:06] Software version: 6C11-12K532-HJ
[08:50:07] Calibration: 6C11-12K532-HJ
[08:50:07] Hardware part number: 6C11-12B684-AB
[08:50:07] Catalogue number: 6C11-12A650-AL
[08:50:07] Serial number: YCQHW0AN8GHW
[08:50:07] CVN: 0000AA5D
[08:50:07] VIN: WF0DXXTTFD7Y13716
[08:50:26] Error: no response from ECU. Check contacts and additional devices on bus, such as anti-theft alarm system., code: 010F

I can read DTC and read ECU info with scanmatik, but cannot read/write maps.

Scanmatik drivers are updated and scanmatik support says this is software issue.

I use tactrix and it read/writes FORD DCU101. 

Anyone face this problem with scanmatik device?


Thank you

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