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I would like to flash a Mitsubishi Colt CZT ecu but I need checksum correction

Is this tool up to it?

What option do I need from the product package and how can I buy it?

I have been trying for over 3 weeks to get in touch with evoscan but I got no response from them.

I need the tool asap .Today is possible.

I am from Nicosia Cyprus

  • 4 weeks later...

I am trying to clone a stock ecu onto an identical ecu (label and serial) for testing the mmcflash.

I used MH8304F to read and the read look ok.

I was able to flash it to the spare ecu but when I can not get it to work on the car. I didnt do any checksum correction since i am 100% sure that the stock is fine.

Maybe the file is more than 512kb?

I read both ecu and compare them in hex and the 2 reads are identical

  • 10 months later...

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