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О peteralc506

  • День рождения 26.05.1965


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  1. 10-2010
  2. возможно ли Приветimmo off ecu 1860B310 Pajero 4 3.2
  3. peteralc506

    Update mmcflash (Download software)

    hello bruce I register well and now I can not enter user and mail says not correct and that they are already registered I do password renewal and does not recognize help please
  4. peteralc506

    17М BMW Continental MSx

    HI bruce module in test? beta testers?
  5. peteralc506

    34M Nissan TCM

    Hello and sorry I have an original TCM scheme there are two possible connections it is not any of these this car is model f15 juke the connector has different pinout someone has pinout?
  6. peteralc506

    34M Nissan TCM

    Привет, BRUCE У меня есть оригинальная схема tcm pinout есть два соединения это не TCM JUKE PINOUT.pdf
  7. peteralc506

    Need Access to Download

    thanks bruce
  8. peteralc506

    Need Access to Download

    Hi Admin unable to download files? MMC Flash user. nº 2243 ECUTools.EU. Thanks
  9. peteralc506

    34M Nissan TCM

    привет несколько выводов tcm juke 1.5dci 2010 Благодарю вас
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