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Rukmal last won the day on 6 Ноября 2021

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  1. Rukmal

    Update mmcflash (Download software)

    it is not a problem for use tool. you can use it without any problem. but he will reply you. please send him correct full details
  2. Rukmal

    Transtron 4HK1 safe?

    Hello I can Help you. please tell me more details. what is engine model? what is ecu? post some ecu photo too i can help you. first at all write ori file back. and check ecu communication ok or not.
  3. Rukmal

    Transtron 4HK1 safe?

    Isuzu transtron M3SC Support pin out for read write ecu via CAN BUS on table. this pin out 100% with mmcflasher i have tested my hand Ground - Black 12V / 24V - Red Blue - CAN L Yellow - CAN H
  4. Rukmal

    Mitsubishi Pajero 2000 / 2002 Ecu Pin Out

    Ecu reading / writing ok. but immo not moved. anybody have any idea about this matter ?
  5. Hello I have mitsubishi Pajero 2000 / 2002. Melco ECU MH7203FA. I need Remove Immobilizer. i used Openport with Aux Boot pin. but unable to read ecu. reading failed. i need to know how to connect this ecu and read. i connected VPP pin to AUX Thank you
  6. Rukmal

    Update mmcflash (Download software)

    hello i bought mmcflasher from Ecutools.eu. before buy mmcflasher i registered mmcflasher website. but now i can not input my usb key to website profile and unable to update my mmcflasher software. what to do now?
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