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Hello to everybody,

some time ago I've bought the mmc flasher and an Open port 2.0 on http://chiptuningtools.ru/ ru-tek engineering, but they did not send me the link to download the software.

I've tried more times to contact them without any result.

Please could anybody give me the link and the instruction to get the mmc flasher software?

If needed I can provide the license number.


Thank you very much!




Just downloaded the ROM from my car, evereything works great! 

But I see ECU flash doesn't have the .xml definition file to decode my rom, can anybody help me also with this problem?

My car it's a Mitsubishi Pajero 3.5 GDI 2003 AT and the CPU is a MH8301F.

Any help will be really appreciated!



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Добрый день не могу обновить программу ссылка не работает

Ошибка обновления: не удалось скачать обновление, попробуйте скачать вручную: http://mmc.ru.com/updates/10043F75798D5579C7F3F1DFB0.exe

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  • 2 weeks later...


I am looking to buy this tool incl. module 70... Isuzu 4JJ1 engine with Transtron ecu, is the read done via the diagnostic plug or the connector of the ecu. 

What interface is prefered to use with this software for this ecu? I have Tactrix openport 2.0. 

Thanks in advance. 

  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...

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