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Update mmcflash (Download software)

Bruce Willis

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PASSWORD IS mmcflash.ru

24-07-2019 0-15-51.jpg

1)To update mmcflash you need Sign Up on this site http://mmcflash.com.ru/en



When your account is tested you will receive a notification, you can update and buy online modules any time. NOT NEED REGISTER AGAIN AND AGAIN. BEFORE WE CHEK YORS ACCOUNT - YOU CAN'T SIGN IN.

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Push button update on the site

30-01-2018 3-35-51.jpg

3) Push button update in the program mmcflash

30-01-2018 3-23-55.png



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  • Bruce Willis pinned this тема форума
  • 2 weeks later...

After registration, approval of the moderator is required, before you receive the activation letter you will not be able to enter and make any changes. This measure is introduced because not all can correctly write the license number (key)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...


i bought mmcflasher from Ecutools.eu. before buy mmcflasher i registered mmcflasher website. but now i can not input my usb key to website profile and unable to update my mmcflasher software. what to do now? 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am registered at mmcflash.ru and updates were working, now it stopped.  So I followed instructions and registered at mmcflash.com.ru/en will that be a problem if i am already registered at mmcflash.ru or I did the right procedure?

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  • 2 weeks later...


i buy dongle from ecutools need ad some modules but update not work what wrong?

how reg to site i allready register but not active

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Error message

The username yuko has not been activated or is blocked.

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  • 1 year later...
9 часов назад, Bruce Willis сказал:

Feliz año nuevo a  ti también, pero ¿podrías abrir los ojos y leer el primer mensaje de este tema?

Dear Bruce, my eyes are open, I have done the registration, but my account is pending approval, no message arrives in the mail, I registered months ago and still nothing, yesterday I registered again with the same result, not yet I have access, that is why I have written in the forum, I hope you can help me or if you see it appropriate contact me privately to help me.
a cordial greeting

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First - We don't registred people with wrong info

Second - to accept yours account need time 1-7 days without holydays, now in Russia is holydays

Third - Express yourself correctly, according to your words it is not clear what exactly you wanted to say. We cannot read minds.

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 минут назад, samI сказал:

Dear Bruce, I have done the registration 20 day ago, but my account is pending approval, no message arrives in the mail, I registered months ago and still nothing

it is not a problem for use tool. you can use it without any problem. but he will reply you. please send him correct full details 

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6 часов назад, samI сказал:

Dear Bruce, I have done the registration 20 day ago, but my account is pending approval, no message arrives in the mail, I registered months ago and still nothing

You don't receive all info when registered 

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  • Bruce Willis changed the title to Update mmcflash (Download software)
  • 5 months later...

i have 2 dongles of mmcflash cant update i already register already on website but did write dongle number.


am stuck want to use software but any not working 


dongle -02686



thanks in advance 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I registered on the website before about 3 months and waited for approval. Now I am trying to login with same email and password. But it says "The username denso has not been activated or is blocked."  So I tried to recover the password, but it says Sorry, <my email address> is not recognized as a user name or an e-mail address. . Then I tried to sign in with dongle number. Then it says "


What should I do or what did I do wrong? Please advice. Thanks a lot.

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